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You are welcome here exactly as you are.

Be seen, heard, and supported on

your healing journey 


An integrative, body-mind, trauma-educated approach to coming home to your wholeness. 

Image by Bart Zimny

You have been through something that rocked your world

and changed the course of your life. 


We have been there, and we exist to stand with you

as you continue to bloom from the onix. 

You may be face down in the dirt one moment and in a pocket of joy the next.

We are with you to celebrate the baby steps and big wins

as you honor all parts of yourself. 

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Who we are

Erica and Teresa Sciarretta

We are sisters committed to integrative healing and supporting others on their healing journey through the transitions of life.

OnixBloom is a reflection of our journey. We are blooming from the darkness and here to give that to others. 



Erica is now offering Integrative Healing Sessions. These sessions help to calm the nervous system, reduce strong painful emotions, process traumatic events, shift limiting beliefs and live with more ease.   

Image by Bart Zimny


OnixBloom is about recognizing and honoring that our mind, body, and emotions can be in a state of “bothness”, flowing with and embracing both our shadow and divine light.  We believe that witnessing, cultivating, and integrating the wisdom that’s already inside us is the journey of our lives.  It’s when we experience holding grief AND joy, that is bothness, that is integration.  With darkness there is light, from pain there is growth, with Onix there is Bloom.


Integration weekends & Retreats

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